Minna No Nihongo Lesson 29 Vocabulary

Minna No Nihongo Lesson 29 Vocabulary: Here’s an overview of the key vocabulary from Lesson 29 of Minna No Nihongo, focusing on common expressions, verbs, adjectives, and nouns introduced in this chapter.

Minna No Nihongo Lesson 29 Vocabulary
Minna No Nihongo Lesson 29 Vocabulary

Minna No Nihongo Lesson 29 Vocabulary Practice.

Japanese English Indonesian Vietnamese
あきます (開きます) Open (intransitive) Terbuka Mở (tự động từ)
しまります (閉まります) Close (intransitive) Tertutup Đóng (tự động từ)
つきます Turn on Menyala Bật lên
きえます (消えます) Turn off, disappear Mati, hilang Tắt, biến mất
こわれます (壊れます) Break (intransitive) Rusak Hỏng (tự động từ)
われます (割れます) Break, smash Pecah Vỡ (tự động từ)
おれます (折れます) Break, snap Patah Gãy
やぶれます (破れます) Tear (intransitive) Robek Rách
よごれます (汚れます) Get dirty Kotor Bị bẩn
つきます (付きます) Be attached Melekat Gắn vào
はずれます (外れます) Be undone Lepas Bung ra
とまります (止まります) Stop, park Berhenti Dừng lại
まちがえます Make a mistake Salah Nhầm lẫn
おとします (落とします) Drop, lose Menjatuhkan, kehilangan Đánh rơi, làm mất
かかります Be locked Terkunci Bị khóa
ふきます Wipe Mengelap Lau chùi
とりかえます Replace Mengganti Thay thế
かたづけます Put in order Merapikan Sắp xếp
さら (皿) Plate, dish Piring Đĩa
コップ Glass, cup Gelas Ly
ガラス Glass (material) Kaca Kính
ふくろ (袋) Bag Kantong Túi
さいふ (財布) Wallet Dompet Ví tiền
えだ (枝) Branch, twig Cabang Cành cây
えきいん (駅員) Station staff Petugas stasiun Nhân viên nhà ga
このへん (この辺) Around here Sekitar sini Khu vực này
~へん (~辺) Around ~ Sekitar ~ Khu vực ~
おさきにどうぞ Please go ahead Silakan duluan Xin mời đi trước
わすれもの (忘れ物) Forgotten item Barang tertinggal Đồ để quên
おぼえていません I don’t remember Saya tidak ingat Tôi không nhớ
たしか I believe, if I’m correct Kalau tidak salah Tôi tin rằng
たおれます (倒れます) Fall down Jatuh Ngã
ほう (方) Direction, way Arah Hướng


1. 自動讃動語 (定像) – Automatic and Passive Verbs




Automatic verbs express that something happens by itself, such as “The door opens” rather than “Someone opens the door.” for video class, click here


Kata kerja otomatis menunjukkan bahwa sesuatu terjadi dengan sendirinya, seperti “Pintu terbuka” bukan “Seseorang membuka pintu.”


Động từ tự động diễn tả rằng một hành động xảy ra tự nhiên, như “Cửa mở” thay vì “Ai đó mở cửa.”


  • 開きます (The door opens.)
  • 閉まります (The door closes.)

2. 予想と例外 (診断する)


予想と異なる状況を表すために「~ かもしれない」を使います。


Used to express unexpected situations or predictions using “~ might” or “~ may.”

lesson 28: Click here

1. 自動讃動語 (定像) – Automatic and Passive Verbs




Automatic verbs express that something happens by itself, such as “The door opens” rather than “Someone opens the door.”


Kata kerja otomatis menunjukkan bahwa sesuatu terjadi dengan sendirinya, seperti “Pintu terbuka” bukan “Seseorang membuka pintu.”


Động từ tự động diễn tả rằng một hành động xảy ra tự nhiên, như “Cửa mở” thay vì “Ai đó mở cửa.”


  • 開きます (The door opens.)
  • 閉まります (The door closes.)

2. 予想と例外 (診断する)


予想と異なる状況を表すために「~ かもしれない」を使います。


Used to express unexpected situations or predictions using “~ might” or “~ may.”


Digunakan untuk mengungkapkan situasi yang tidak terduga atau prediksi menggunakan “~ mungkin.”


Dùng để diễn tả những tình huống không ngờ hoặc dự đoán bằng “~ có thể.”


  • Verb Plain Form + かもしれない


  • あめがふるかもしれない。 (It might rain.)
  • かれがくるかもしれない。(He might come.)

3. 伸びす・削る (States of Change)




Used to express states of change, such as increasing or decreasing something.



Lesson 29 of Minna no Nihongo introduces essential vocabulary for describing states, conditions, and changes, making it a pivotal chapter for learners advancing their Japanese communication skills. The verbs in this lesson focus on intransitive forms, which are key for expressing what happens to objects without indicating a direct agent. This allows learners to describe situations such as something breaking, opening, or turning on/off, which are vital for everyday conversations.

Hi, I am Poudyal Sandip (パウディアル・サンディープ). I live in Tokyo and study at the Tokyo International Japanese School (TIJS). I came to Japan five years ago and also worked as a teacher. I teach beginner-level Japanese online for Learnwell Educational Consultancy and hold an N2-level certification, demonstrating my strong skills in the language.

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